Monday 29 July 2013

Robyn Hood - Wanted #3 - Review

Nei Ruffino
Robyn Hood - Wanted #3

Pat Shand

Larry Watts

The story so far...

Using magic that Marion has harnessed from blessed crystals, Will Scarlet arrives on Earth just in time to break Robyn free from police custody. But Will's absence has left Nottingham vulnerable, allowing Guy of Gisbourne to lead the Dark Horde on a rampage through the city. Gisbourne captures Marion, taking her back to the mysterious Sheriff of Nottingham. Back on Earth, before Robyn can agree to come back to Myst with Will, she is pulled into a portal by Avella, Gisbourne's hired assassin.

What can you expect from this issue?

Straight up you can expect some great fight scenes between Robyn and Avella. Shand's writing carries you through the intensity of the fight scenes well. I really like what Shand has created in Avella, the assassin. She is without a doubt the most outstanding character and I think at times throughout this issue outshines Robyn. Without giving too much away, Avella experiences a few on the job frustrations (don't we all) and disappears for a while. I suspect she will be back though. I hope so, she is the only character I am finding interesting at the moment with this issue.

We may have been introduced to the beginnings of a romance between Robyn and Will as Robyn examines her conscience and her past experiences (good and bad). Whilst this is not such a bad thing, I hope it does not lead to a distraction in the overall direction of this series. I think it is fair to say that we all want Robyn to dispense justice on Gisbourne and this little Prince John, however I think we will be waiting a little while longer given how this issue has ended. There is serious trouble ahead for Robyn if she finds herself captured by spoilers here, but the cliffhanger ending to this issue will have you wondering and asking yourself 'what the hell is going on here?'
Jamie Tyndall

What did I like about this issue?

There is a seamless continuity to this series which is something I prefer when reading comic books. I read so many titles that I am grateful when I am given a taste of where things left off in the last issue (my memory fails me as I get older). Shand does this well, without it taking up precious art panels. Shand demonstrates his skill in storytelling by keeping you engaged between the two opposing forces throughout this story. This is really important. What keeps you engaged is that constant back and forth of good versus evil with neither gaining he upper hand...well at least not in this issue. So well done Shand, great storytelling and like many other readers I am head over heels for this Robyn Hood.

I think the story is a little let down by the art work. Watts is a solid comic book artist and knows how to tell a story through illustration, but I just struggled with the way Will and Gisbourne were drawn in some of the panels. I think Watts did well to ensure the characters expressed the right emotion to carry the story, and his female characters are drawn really well. Gisbourne comes off a bit too cheesy and/or cocky, when the right look should have been one of cunning and deceit. That said, Watts sets up the panels nicely and has created a well illustrated issue.

The Covers

Just a quick comment about the covers for this series. I have been amazed at the different interpretations that have been given by artists of this new Robyn Hood character. Each month readers are spoilt for choice as to which cover they take home. This is brilliant work Zenescope, keep it up. This blog entry features images by three of my favourite artists - Tyndall, Franchesco and Ruffino. 


What did others think about this issue?

I could only find one reviewer that I thought gave this issue considered thought...

Unleash The Fanboy Review

So what do I give this issue?

Grade: B+

This is a good issue and I will continue to read this series because the storytelling and the art is engaging and you can't help but love this interpretation of Robyn Hood. That said, this is not an 'A' grade issue, but it is close.


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